
OneStop is a data discovery system being built by CIRES researchers on a grant from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. We welcome contributions from the community!

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Manually testing transforms and loading using Test-Common

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The test-common module was designed for manual examination of the transform steps, in order to support developer understanding of what happens in each section of the system, aid crafting test data for integration, and to load Elasticsearch directly instead of requiring the entire stack for local development.

Building and Running

Since this is intended as a standalone utility, it is written with the intention of calling it from the command line.

To build, run ./gradlew test-common:shadowJar, which creates a standalone fatjar.

To run the utility, java -cp test-common/build/libs/onestop-test-common-unspecified-all.jar org.cedar.onestop.test.common.Main. It requires arguments to run, and will provide some basic usage information.


The utility lets you chain together one or more transformation steps on a file.

For example java -cp test-common/build/libs/onestop-test-common-unspecified-all.jar org.cedar.onestop.test.common.Main STEP1 STEP2 STEP3 FILENAME.

The file provide can be:

The expected output depends on which steps are run.


Valid steps are:

All steps should start with either parseISO or parseAvro. The utility does not know how to read a file otherwise.




INPUT: ParsedRecord JSON OUTPUT: ParsedRecord JSON

Effectively a NO-OP? TODO


INPUT: ParsedRecord JSON OUTPUT: ParsedRecord JSON with the analysis step completed


INPUT: ParsedRecord JSON for a granule (expects analysis step to be completed) OUTPUT: JSON matching the Elasticsearch mapping for the granule search index


INPUT: ParsedRecord JSON for a collection (expects analysis step to be completed) OUTPUT: JSON matching the Elasticsearch mapping for the collection search index


INPUT: ParsedRecord JSON for a granule (expects analysis step to be completed) OUTPUT: JSON matching the Elasticsearch mapping for the granule analysis and errors index


INPUT: ParsedRecord JSON for a collection (expects analysis step to be completed) OUTPUT: JSON matching the Elasticsearch mapping for the collection analysis and errors index

chaining steps together

You can use any step by itself, assuming you have the correct input. Or you can chain the steps together to produce the ES record based on the original input.

For example, if you have an XML record for a collection, parseISO analyze collectionSearch record.xml should produce the JSON you would post to the collection search index.


Note these assume you are running the command from the base onestop project dir, and that onestop-test-data is a sibling project.

java -cp test-common/build/libs/onestop-test-common-unspecified-all.jar org.cedar.onestop.test.common.Main parseAvro ../onestop-test-data/analysisErrors/collections/invalid_dates.json

java -cp test-common/build/libs/onestop-test-common-unspecified-all.jar org.cedar.onestop.test.common.Main parseISO ../onestop-test-data/COOPS/granules/CO-OPS.NOS_1820000_201602_D1_v00.xml

java -cp test-common/build/libs/onestop-test-common-unspecified-all.jar org.cedar.onestop.test.common.Main parseAvro analyze ../onestop-test-data/analysisErrors/collections/invalid_dates.json

java -cp test-common/build/libs/onestop-test-common-unspecified-all.jar org.cedar.onestop.test.common.Main parseISO analyze ../onestop-test-data/COOPS/granules/CO-OPS.NOS_1820000_201602_D1_v00.xml

java -cp test-common/build/libs/onestop-test-common-unspecified-all.jar org.cedar.onestop.test.common.Main parseISO analyze granuleSearch ../onestop-test-data/COOPS/granules/CO-OPS.NOS_1820000_201602_D1_v00.xml > tmp.json

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