
OneStop is a data discovery system being built by CIRES researchers on a grant from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. We welcome contributions from the community!

This project is maintained by cedardevs

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

Internal Practices

We have several google documents on this topic in Google Drive at Agile Project> Team Norms.

Table of Contents

Git Workflow


Temporary Branches and Code Commits

Temporary branches are used to work on features and major changes via the following steps:

  1. Make a new branch off master. As a naming convention, please follow the convention in Google Drive at Agile Project> Team Norms> Foam Cat Team Norms document. Do not to use master or the release/ or hotfix/ prefix:

     git fetch origin
     git checkout -b feature/foo origin/master

    If the work is related to an issue, the branch is typically named <issue#>-short-description, for example “1404-dev_docs_pass2”, where the description is derived from the issue title. Spaces are not allowed in branch names, so either hyphens or underscores can be used in their place.

  2. Write code with tests!

  3. Upon completion move the Github/Zenhub story into the Review column

  4. Create a pull request. Please link with the story via “Linked issues”

  5. The reviewer merges the pull request back into the master branch and deletes the working branch. Verify story in github/zenhub got moved to Closed column (may have to manually do).


Our version numbers follow the pattern of <major>.<minor>.<patch>:

Releases: Tags and Release Branches

When all the features in master are ready for production, it is time to cut a release. A “release” is either a new major or minor version. For a patch, see the Hotfix Strategy documentation. Follow these steps to publish a release:

  1. Run the script to get the version number throughout the project.
  2. It may not be necessary to increment the version before tagging. After the last release, we bumped the minor version, as you will after tagging.
  3. It is only necessary to “bump the version” if this release is determined to be a new major version. If the changes in master broke backward compatibility, bump the major version, review changes and commit.
  4. If the version number was incremented, make a PR (git Pull Request) to master to have a reviewer ensure proper semantic version. If not, proceed to the next step.
  5. After merging the branch to master, tag master. The tag needs to match the version and be prefixed with a “v”, e.g. “vMajor.minor.patch” like v2.13.1.
    git tag <tag>
    git push origin <tag>
  6. If this is a new major version, create a branch from that commit named for this version release/[version], e.g. release/3.x.
  7. If this is a minor version, create a PR into the release branch.
  8. IMPORTANT: On master, increment the minor version number using, commit to directly to master (this is a small change, so no need for a PR).
  9. Write the release notes on GitHub:
    • Pushing that tag should have created a new release in the “releases” tab on github.
    • Draft the release from the corresponding tag on the master branch.
    • Have at least one team member review the release notes.
    • Publish the release on GitHub.


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